
As travel specialist we're offering unique experiences in all parts of the world. Everyone is different and so are - We will take care of your individual interests and demands and provide you with a first class experience of traveling. No matter if South Africa with its beauty and diversity or Europe and the individual character of every country, if you want we are getting you in touch with locals and give you the opportunity to experience the culture in a unique way. Besides leisure travel we are offering travel packages for Business development trips, Know-How and Best practices tours for professionals and special packages for Sport Professionals who are looking for a rehab getaway. Together with our partners we're offering exclusive insights into ministries, educational institutions, universities and sports facilities. While visiting , there is always time and room to have conversations with the locals and exchange Know-How and experiences. Are you interested in a unique, experience-filled Business trip or you just want to enjoy a memorable vacation? Then please, contact us here.
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Our high expectations towards accomodation, training facilities and possibilities for competition  and our conciousness for the need of a variety of options when it comes rehab, will help you as a professional sports person to find the offer that you need for your individual case. Amateurteams are welcome, too! No matter if you're looking for a place to prepare for the upcoming season or a rehab hotspot - contact us fr your individualized offer. 

Social Business Innovation 

With our extensive network of decision-makers, politicians, educational institutions, associations and ministries, we offer you insights into the most diverse areas of social, political and economic life. We promote the transfer of know-how from associations and specialists as well as offering special training and further education seminars in cooperation with renowned educational institutions. We offer an exclusive opportunity to discover for example South Africa with its tourist delicacies, getting to know the country and its people intensively while continuing your (professional) education. 


The student group, whether in the advanced semester of an undergraduate degree or participants in an MBA program, can apply their theoretical knowledge in PRACTICE. In cooperation with e.g. South African institutions, companies and associations, we offer you insights into South African life as well as an international exchange of experiences paired with a tourist program on site.

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